Friday, January 7, 2011

More Apte Dictum

It is often our desire to escape hell that deprives us of heaven.
A life of regret gives the lie to its creator… an unforgivable sin!
Two goodnesses trying to destroy each other---truth and happiness…
Freedom is amoral, morality comes from the law.
There are people who have an irresistible and obsessive compulsion to share any secret that comes their way with others, and those who take pleasure in the fact that the secret is theirs to keep. There are also those who occasionally masquerade as sharers, in order to conceal the fact that they have a secret, which they intend to keep no matter what.
Politicians lie believing that the truth will cause them more damage than the lie, and thus the truth in politics becomes a losing proposition.
Honesty is the twin sister of Truth. Both destroy life.
Writing history isn’t worth a crooked penny. Truth-seeking historians are either liars or dupes. Only as edifying mythology does history have value.
“The gray zone.” At night all cats are gray. Good and Evil look alike…
Paraphrasing Nietzsche, “Supposing History is a woman---what then?” My answer: Cherchez La Femme!
Some people can be compared to a gold mine: a shabby entrance, but plenty of gold in there.
Give me liberty, or give me death! …And, oh, please, do restrain my terrorist neighbor!!!
Doing away with the United States Constitution was the right thing to do: the little lady was too soft on terror!
What is better, to boil one’s soul in the body of a hermit, or to lose it in the service of one’s nation, and of humanity at large?

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