Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Whether I agree with him or not, I am an admirer of Nietzsche’s God-given genius of uncompromising free thought. In appreciation of it, I can forgive him all his wild ravings and strange idiosyncrasies... Almost all, I must say... There is a limit, of course.

I am uncomfortable with Nietzsche’s attack on the morality of Christianity, but not because I am so anxious to rise to the defense of a specific religious practice, but rather for the larger reason that no one, not even he (Nietzsche) can so casually dismiss an existing source of absolute morality, even if it happens to be heavily polluted as it were, without offering a viable alternative, and it is here where Nietzsche is demonstrably and unequivocally wanting. Indeed, his food for thought is ambrosial, but where is his nourishment for hope? To him, hope is a lie, yet to him, too, truth kills. How is human society supposed to sustain its life then? Not by Nietzsche’s reason alone. Not by anybody’s reason alone. Pure reasoning turns deadly and divisive without the life-saving true fiction of unquestioning philosophical postulates and categorical imperatives. Welcome back, Kant!

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