Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Two decades later, this entry talks about one of the ugliest grimaces of capitalism-gone-wild in post-Soviet Russia: the criminal affair of the privatization of national property, which ended up with a handful of thieving “oligarchs” taking possession of Russia’s wealth at a microscopic fraction of the actual value of the property in question.
It has long been an established fact that not only was the dissolution of the Soviet Union one of the greatest tragedies in Russian history (in terms of the amount of misery it had unleashed on the Russian people), but that it also ushered in an unprecedented orgy of uninhibited plunder of the national wealth, going both into the pockets of Russia’s unscrupulous entrepreneurs, and out of the country to foreign “rapists”), and that the incredible Bacchanalia thus unleashed was in fact unleashed as a direct result of the Yeltsin government’s economic policies.
It is also a well-known fact that Yeltsin’s privatization program had established the practice of assessing the value of national properties at less than one per cent of what they were worth, leading fast to the creation of a whole new class of super-rich scoundrels, called the oligarchs, who were outrageously empowered to take advantage of the system going mad, and thus to amass huge wealth, none of which would be created by their industrious genius, but shamelessly stolen from the Russian nation by the exercise of their thieving skills.
Having thus registered the fact of the catastrophic malfeasance which was the Yeltsin privatization program, the most important question to ask is why it was done--- so deliberately and so demonstrably maliciously?

There can be no explanation other than that there had to be a clear conspiracy at the highest echelons of the self-immolating Soviet power to unleash the evil spirit of uninhibited capitalism on Russian soil, just like an orgy of Godlessness had been unleashed on Russia in the wake of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. In both these cases, the intent was to purify the Russian national spirit in a baptism of fire. As a result of the tragic events of 1917, a rebirth of the Russian Orthodox Christian spirit had taken place. As a result of the Yeltsin privatization debauchery of the 1990’s, a resurgence of Russia’s anti-capitalist and anti-Western bias had to take place with a vengeance, and its holy fury fruits are only beginning to be felt throughout the “new world order.”

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