Sunday, February 5, 2012


It is almost eerie to find the exact circumstances of your situation put in sharp focus under the bright light of a genius, in his own precise words, where nothing can be added or needs to be taken away, like it happens in the following excerpt from Nietzsche, in direct application to the circumstances of my life:

Our highest insights must and should sound like follies, and sometimes like crimes, when they are heard without permission by those who are not predisposed, and predestined, for them… What serves the higher type of men as nourishment must almost be poison for a very different and inferior type. The virtues of the common man might signify vices and weaknesses in a philosopher.” (From Nietzsche’s Jenseits 30.)

By the same token as I have been benignly characterized as being "ahead of my time," I've also been called, less charitably, "radioactive," and even "poisonous," practically in the same breath. All of it may be true, but not terribly instructive. Nietzsche is more to the point on my situation. My truth was indeed poison to those same people to whose better sense and elementary decency I had been trying to appeal, for a quarter of a century. Now, having established that, with Nietzsche’s help, let us go further.

So what can I do about it now that I see, looking at what has become of American foreign policy, that I have failed in my efforts to administer my honest poison, the reason being that one can’t persuade people to take a poison against their will? Do I modify my tactic, or reconsider it altogether, and come up with something totally new that would work better? But then, the substance of my offering would still remain the same. Call it being ahead of one’s time, or whatever, the fact is that by any other name, poison is poison!

And now here comes the answer. Regarding poison, please consult the following paragraph from Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica by Dr. Kent, the great American homeopath.---

“…The first impression would be to rebel against the use of such substances as Crotalus, Lachesis, Apis, and other animal poisons, and it is true that the lay mind must look with something like horror upon their administration; but when they are properly used and when we consider the dreadfulness of the necessity demanding them, and also when we have ascertained that there can be no substitute when demanded, and again that they are potentized and changed until they are perfectly pure, because, reduced to a state of simple substance, the horror passes away from the mind. It is true that the diseases that call for the use of such substances as Crotalus are very grave. When at the bedside of a Crotalus patient one feels that death is very near, the subject is horrible to look upon, and the mother in regard to her child, or the husband, would immediately say, ‘Doctor, use anything in order to save the life, resort to anything in order to heal this sick one.’”

Poisons are the foundation of extreme homeopathy. They cure very sick people better than any allopathic drugs do. Provided of course that the persons in charge of the sick patient recognize that he is very sick and wish the patient to be cured.

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