Saturday, December 29, 2012


I find it shocking, and almost inexplicable, how much pathological hatred toward Russia is being displayed by an overwhelming majority of Jewish-American foreign policy experts and media pundits. Have they all forgotten that the Russia they curse, and their proverbial archvillain Stalin (who, as I strongly suspect, is far more hated by these rabid creatures than either Khmelnitsky or Hitler, the perpetrators of the two worst Holocausts in Jewish history) defeated Hitler, liberated Auschwitz, and, prior to that, had saved nearly two million Jews from the Nazi Holocaust, for which historical act of benevolence Stalin was pronounced a Righteous Gentile, and praises to him have habitually been said at prayer time in every respectable Jewish shul in Russia?

I believe that the main reason of such pathological hatred has been betrayed by an emotional outburst from the former Secretary of State under President Clinton, Madeline Albright, who was famously complaining how unfair it was that Siberia belonged to Russia alone! No such hatred was in evidence during the Yeltsin years, though, when these American Jews saw their dream fulfilled of a Russia ruled by Khodorkovsky and his ilk, and through this perceived Russian fifth column (!!!) they saw a subservient Russia, controlled by the United States through the mechanism of the Jewish power, thus consolidating the American hegemony over the world.

Alas, for these wishfully-thinking Jews, their sweet dream has never quite come through, although at times they felt it so close, as if they could almost touch it. For this reason of their bitter disappointment in the collapse of their Russian dream, they have, ever since, developed this particularly severe case of rabies, and, honestly, from my personal experience with these sorely disappointed people, I am afraid, the disease is virtually incurable, without the help of a major intrusive surgery on the anatomy of Washington’s power.

…Or, perhaps, there may still be hope without a surgery. They say in honest that a shot of tequila is the next best treatment for rabies…

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