Monday, February 18, 2013


How does the United Nations fare among the multitude of civil war-torn disintegrating nations, which are supposedly to be protected by the great Organization, as their protection is one of her most solemn duties?

As we can see only too well, the United Nations is helpless, and has been forced to admit it against the better judgment of projecting a positive message of hope. Even I myself, a staunch champion of the UN no matter what, and a former UN official, have to admit that the good Organization has become a pathetic caricature of itself.

Since its inception, and as stipulated in the United Nations Charter, there are sufficient mechanisms within its stated power to quell local conflicts and civil wars, as long as there exists a mutual consent among the Great Powers of the Security Council. Here is the problem, though. There is no consensus among the rulers of the planet, as they are themselves caught at cross purposes. The United States is in pursuit of her global hegemony dream, and one of the perceived tools of achieving such a hegemony is to sow discord among all nations and within all nations that are possibly standing in her way. Hence, it has become the actual policy of the US to divide these nations, and potentially all nations, friends and foes alike, as in their disunity lies the key to the policy’s success. This is exactly what we are witnessing today, especially in and around the Middle East, where the center of gravity has apparently shifted to, on account of Israel.

Accordingly, the United Nations has become a bitterly Divided Nations, both within and among themselves, and this is what the newest “world order” has come to…

What does Europe have to say about this? Nothing, as Europe has been too busy lately, attending to the big bad problem of the economic and financial crisis, with nearly half of the EC going under and threatening an imminent meltdown. Let me remind the reader that the origin of Europe’s present economic problems lies across the ocean, which fact the Europeans had quickly understood and complained about at first, before the “Divided Nations” curse struck them with a vengeance…

Now, what is the role of Russia in all this? I think that the Kremlin secretly, and not so secretly, relishes the plight the world has found itself in because of the deliberate American policy. Moscow has a sharp sense of the long-term effect of the present ugliness, being an accomplished chess player on the world stage. Surely, the Russian leadership believes, not without grounds for it, that everything going on, no matter its outcome, works in Russia’s interest, so why interfere with the enemy destroying himself? as Napoleon wisely said not too long ago, by the Russian clock standards.

I cannot say that I like what the Russians are doing, but I do not know what constructive moves they could have made otherwise, in the face of the unconstructive Washington policy, except to manipulate the situation and to take maximum advantage of the problems of everybody else concerned…

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