Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Multiconfessionalism flourishes in a multicultural state on two conditions. The stronger and more stable the state, the better off the state’s religions are. And perhaps unexpectedly but not surprisingly, the stronger the majority religion is, the safer are the minority religions in the state. An excellent example of this is Russia, but we have other examples of strong authoritarian rulers, like Broz Tito in Yugoslavia, or Saddam Hussein in Iraq, or the late Hafez al-Assad in Syria, succeeded by his far less competent, but at first inertially stable son Bashar,--- all secular regimes, providing, until recently, genuine safe haven and peaceful coexistence to the constituent minority communities. (Let us not confuse the question of political opposition with religious intolerance, except when the latter originates with the oppositionists themselves.)

The trouble comes when the majority culture has a weak religion or no religion at all. In that case, the void is quickly filled by a minority culture asserting itself by means of its strong and energetic religion. All of a sudden, the majority group remembers its faded religious identity and fights back against the minority intruder. An excellent example of this is Western Europe, where the religiously indifferent Christian majority has these days come under attack from the minority immigrants, primarily from Islamic countries.

The joker on the deck of the ship of state, mentioned in the title is the social arsonist, the agent-provocateur sowing trouble by energizing one cultural group against another, producing an incendiary chain reaction. If you wish to know the details, we have been there before. Who wants both his friends and enemies to be in a jam of a messy domestic conflict? Divide et impera! Thus speaks the wannabe emperor, the dreamer of the hegemonical dream. His enemies hate him, but what about his friends, who are being subjected to the same kind of treatment? With friends like this… well, you know how that goes…

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