Friday, September 6, 2013


(This is Part II of 2. Part I was posted yesterday.)

…But whether our perspective is exoteric or esoteric, it is still a reflection of one and the same world above us, or below us, and thus, even though our creativity realizes itself in a variety of forms, there are still only two parallel lives in time, related to the horizontal axis of time proper, by their vertical correlation. A differently graphed multiplicity of lives can only be achieved by a multiplicity of the worlds themselves, from which we are escaping. And then, as our creativity starts reflecting the new world, as opposed to the old one, the meaning of ‘you only live twice changes dramatically, not just with reference to the difference of the worlds, but with reference to the life of our dream. As it happens, our dream is acquiring a different life and that gets both incredibly scary and incredibly exciting. It is exceedingly scary to coexist in our vertical lives, where the source of our happy reflection has suddenly changed, but the real excitement comes when we give up on the prospect of coexistence, transposing our whole life from the reality to the reflection.

To make myself better understood, I can offer the difference of what I have been describing (which, as the reader must have guessed, is a reference to my own life) from the normal life of a settler in the new world, who has uprooted himself from his old world. In this case, the same-level life in the new world becomes a potent substitute for the reflection, the settler’s old-world dream, and turns him into the regular member of the hoi polloi. I repeat: the reflection is no more, not exactly a Frau ohne Schatten, but, come to think of it, a lot of food for thought, which I advise the reader to ruminate on, before my answer to the riddle appears at the very end of this entry, quickly coming to its end anyway.

To be totally honest, the uniqueness of my excitement may not be sufficient value for the terribly high cost of it. Somewhere, previously, I compared myself to a very strange fish, which instead of going down to the bottom of its lake or leaping up into the air, to get back to its natural habitat, when the exploration is done, leaps over the lake’s bank on a journey of no return. The only reason, perhaps, that I am still alive is that I have now managed to separate myself thoroughly from the reality of my ‘new world,’ reuniting myself in a vivid reflection with my old world, and, as a result, turning all of myself into a 100% reflection: a “Schatte ohne Mann

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