Rousseau’s political philosophy
comes out of his ethics and theology, and it can be somehow gleaned from the
fact that he prefers Sparta to Athens.
His magnum opus on
political philosophy, Le Contrat Social, starts with the famous phrase: “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” This
may suggest that he, like Locke, is a friend of liberty, whereas this is not
so. There is yet another precious thing, which Rousseau values much higher than
liberty, and it is equality. It is right here that he and Locke, with
the latter’s obsession with the sanctity of private property, definitely part
their ways for good.
Rousseau is a total totalitarian
in his political philosophy. The chains on man are the chains of a bourgeois
civilization, so to speak. “The problem is to
find a form of association which will defend and protect with the whole common
force the person and goods of each associate, and in which each, while uniting
himself with all, may still obey himself alone and remain as free as before.
This is the fundamental problem, which the Social Contract provides the
solution of.” The secret here is that the personal will of every
citizen is in complete harmony with, in fact, an integral part of, the total
will of the community, that is, the general will.
There is no doubt that man’s
return into his natural state, his liberation from the chains of a class
society, where the rich and powerful oppress and exploit the poor and
powerless, thus denying them freedom, can only be achieved in a totalitarian
paradise, where the general will of one and all is the sole master.
And now, the culmination of
Rousseau’s political doctrine, his concept of the general will. This
will is not at all identical with the majority will or any minority will for
that matter. It would be best described as the collective will of the
community, or to put it in more familiar terms, the Will of the State. Rousseau
is not exceptionally clear with this explanation: “If
when the people, being furnished with adequate information, held its
deliberations, the citizens had no communication one with another, the grand
total of their small differences would always give the general will, and the
decision would always be good.” In illustrating the meaning of the general
will, I much prefer Bertrand Russell’s comparison to terrestrial
gravitation: "Every particle in the earth attracts
every other particle in the universe toward itself; the air above us attracts
us upward, while the ground beneath us attracts us downward. But all these
‘selfish’ attractions cancel each other out, in so far as they are divergent, and
what remains is the resultant attraction towards the center of the earth. This
might be fancifully conceived as the act of the earth as a community and as the
expression of its general will."
Rousseau’s elaboration of the
concept of general will makes him--- have you guessed it?--- a
dyed-in-the-wool totalitarian! The essence of his Social Contract is “the total alienation of each associate together with all
his rights to the whole community; for, in the first place, as each member
gives of himself absolutely, the conditions are the same for all; and this
being so, no one has any interest in making them burdensome to others.” Now, absolute is absolute! “If individuals retained certain rights, as there would
be no common superior to decide between them and the public, each, being on one
point his own judge, would ask to be so on all; the state of nature (here he uses the term “state of nature” in Hobbes’s
sense, and by no means in Locke’s!) would
thus continue, and the association would necessarily become inoperative or
tyrannical.” Needless to say, there
is no liberty anywhere here, and the doctrine of the rights of man has been
cancelled. In fact, none of them are even needed anymore, as the role of the Sovereign
in this Commonwealth is now played by the whole community, of which
each member is a part. “All for one, one for all,” so to speak.
…Having been intimately familiar
with the Soviet system’s self-justification in its golden days, I maintain that
the Soviet totalitarian rationale closely resembles Rousseau’s reasoning, but I
painfully guess that no established Western politician has ever tried to
rationalize totalitarianism away from the propaganda's gross and coarse
simplification, putting it under the magnifying lens of the curious reason and
judging its merits and demerits, with the advantage of a cool sensible head, or,
even more preferably, as an advocatus diaboli. Had they desired to do
that, or, more accurately, had they been capable of doing so, Jean Jacque
Rousseau would have been a priceless asset for their endeavor.
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