Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. (John 3:3) Baptism with fire, as death and resurrection in the great mystery of life of both man and nation…
I am talking of course about Russia and her revitalized religion, rooted in her history, tradition, and culture. Russian Pravoslavie (literally, “the right way to glorify God”) has been the source of that culture, and the force behind the Russian self-appreciation as a great nation with a distinctive Manifest Destiny, formulated as the Doctrine of The Third Rome, where politics and religion stand hand-in-hand, mutually empowering each other.
Russian spiritual consistency is evident in its firmly anti-Capitalist, Christian-Communist mentality, which had been distinctly manifest at all times, well before the Bolshevik Revolution, in the Russian tendency for communal living, such as the post-Emancipation peasant communes known as “mir,” which accounted for well over eighty percent of the Russian population. The idea of Communism was thus by no means foreign to the Russian Christian nationalist soul, but it had nothing in common with, in fact, it was totally inimical to, the peculiar Jewish idea of “Communism,” as represented by Trotsky, for instance, to whom it meant the social empowerment of the Jews, and necessitated a veritable world revolution. Too bad that the West had never been able to discern the real Orthodox Christian-nationalist Russia behind the grotesquely overblown decoy balloon of Trotskyism.
The real Russian Revolution belonged to Stalin-the-Seminarist, whose remarkable vision of Marxism was to combine the historical magnetism of an untamed Russian Buntar, the Rebel, and the shrewd calculation of a stern, moralizing Orthodox Priest.
I am definitely not whitewashing Russia here, whose ruthless disregard for the lives of individuals in the pursuit of her grand nationalist ambitions, a disregard which has caused countless unspeakable tragedies, and particularly in the 1990’s, when millions of lives were destroyed without a civil war, or even an ideological struggle of any sort, I find particularly reprehensible, as I have explicitly stated in several of my entries throughout this book. But this writing is not about pronouncing judgment or taking sides. In the historical America-Russia confrontation neither side can claim perfection. Incidentally, enough of this “democracy” nonsense. Russia’s patently oppressive political system is properly legitimized by her genuinely democratic urge to be ruled by a strong leader. Its authoritarianism cannot be dismissed as anti-democratic, because it is totalitarian (that is, rooted in a social totality) in nature, and, even if it may shock quite a few brainwashed ideologues, masquerading as political scientists, totalitarianism is in its very nature the child of a nationalistically self-conscious democracy, begotten in self-defense, to protect her against the real and potential enemies, threatening her proud sovereignty.

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