Sunday, April 28, 2013


(This is a fairly light-hearted take on the concept of freedom. I am using a definition, offered by Hobbes, to further highlight my recurring point that the meaning of this wonderful word has been grotesquely twisted by America’s ideological demagogues to the point of becoming completely obnoxious. Needless to say, my intent is not to provide a rigid (Urtext) definition, which would be a nonsensical endeavor anyway, but to appeal to Hobbes’ formula in a broader, figurative sense, thus exploring a, perhaps, previously unexplored alcove, that one may encounter only off the beaten path of customary understanding, which helpful bypass this Hobbesian definition does indeed provide, even if only in a limited sense.)
Anything we discuss probably without exception can be raised to a higher plane from everyday layman talk and become a legitimate subject of philosophy. Do I need to remind the reader that these concepts of liberty and freedom are by no means mundane, and that their legitimate place in a serious philosophical discussion is absolutely ascertained?
This is, however, not a place where such a comprehensive discussion is about to take place, and it is admittedly “a fairly light-hearted take on the concept of freedom,” which of course does not make this entry anywhere less serious, in so far as the philosophy of freedom is concerned. So here it is.
Talking about freedom, here is an interesting reality check. In this case I am appealing to the unimpeachable authority of Thomas Hobbes, citing his definition of Freedom/Liberty in Leviathan. Here it is:
“Liberty, or freedom, signifies the absence of opposition (meaning external impediments of motion), and may be applied no less to irrational and inanimate creatures than to rational.” (Leviathan, Chapter XXI)
…Weird? Uninspiring? Crude? Maybe all of these, but at least a definition, and surely one with a twist!... (The same cannot be said about the worshipers of the “Democracy cult, an obscenely inspirational, yet vacuous term, used by the empty suites like a coin of the fraudulent realm that they all claim to inhabit and represent, and on whose behalf, and at others’ expense, they are so joyfully carrying on their buy-them-or-bomb-them adventures. As a wickedly ironic reminder, the Chechen perpetrators of the recent Boston Marathon bombing were cultivated as part of a radical anti-Russian group and even implicitly protected as “our sons of bitches” from a thorough FBI investigation requested on Russia’s urging, by the Caucasus Center subdivision of the once respectable yet now politically biased and unabashedly rightwing American organization called… Freedom House!!!)
Looking at Hobbes’ awkward, but fascinating in its awkwardness, opening paragraph, the first thing which catches the eye in this Newtonian physical definition of freedom is that except for the outer space, it cannot exist anywhere, as long as there may be some other objects close by or in relative proximity, that are bound to create an “opposition, by counteracting our action, or just by altering our free course, through the basic laws of gravity. The sheer beauty of this Hobbesian definition is that no one can “spin” it by, say, bending the definition of “opposition,” as it is rather hard, even for a seasoned agitprop pro, to play political games with the barebones of physics…
(The bottom line is of course that the subject of Freedom and Democracy has acquired a disproportionately large significance in the light of the late Bush Administration’s political and military exploits on behalf of these. Their manipulative, shameful use of complicated philosophical terminology, in promoting a doctrine, which is ironically inimical to genuine freedom and democracy, must be countered on every level, not only of civil action, but also of open intellectual discourse. Otherwise, these big words will surely come back to bury those who have unleashed them, taking the whole misguided nation along with them.)
...This entry is to be followed by Democracy And The Will Of The People.

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