Monday, July 21, 2014


Why is the American finger pointing at Russia as the culprit in the tragedy of the downed Flight MH17? Is that warranted?

Mind you, I am dismissing the kowtowing Europeans, who fear Washington’s wrath more than their imminent international disgrace when the chickens come home to roost. And I am dismissing the despicable prostitute Western media who have forgotten their sacred obligation of impartiality, refusing to ask deliberately uncomfortable confrontational questions of whoever is being interviewed in each particular instance, and instead joining the chorus of Russia’s accusers, with every shred of professional objectivity going out of the window…

So, forget the lapdog Europe. Forget the shameful media. The sole question of this entry is why the American finger is pointing at Russia “just because,” in what is so far by no means an open and shut case?

Why this jumping to a highly prejudiced and so far unwarranted conclusion, where statesmanly fairness and sagacity are in order? Why pump fuel into the fire of international hysteria caused by a terrible human tragedy, before the facts are in, and, in so far as documented evidence is concerned, against that evidence?

One obvious answer is too superficial, yet we may state it anyway. An anti-Russian and pro-American Ukraine is a prized possession which Washington has admittedly spent over $5bln on, and it would defeat Washington’s grand purpose of appropriating Kiev to denounce Kiev’s lies for the sake of the extremely unrewarding and hopelessly Quixotic quest to be fair and impartial and let the chips fall where they may... Oh, no! Right or wrong, Kiev is my loyal liege, and it simply cannot be undermined, especially by truth.

That was the most obvious, but patently superficial reason. Kiev is not Paris, it isn’t worth a mass. I respect the United States well enough to insist that she would not stoop down to covering up for Kiev for Kiev’s sake. Washington’s old attitude toward the current president Petro Poroshenko is well documented as that of contempt and mockery, but apparently he is more manageable than the likes of Yarosh and Tyagnibok, so let us stick through thick and thin with “our man” in Kiev, the corrupt thief and scoundrel Poroshenko. (See Washington Post of May 29, 2014:  "The not-very-nice things US officials used to say about Ukraine's new president.")

No, Kiev is not a Ding-an Sich! The real lupus in fabula is Russia!


My late boss at the USA and Canada Institute in Moscow Georgi Arbatov once said (that was right after the collapse of the USSR) that the Russians had finally defeated America in the Cold War by… depriving her of her enemy. Prophetic words! Any honest political analyst must admit that the root of all American woes in the twenty-first century lies in “winning the cold war.”

Indeed, for the sake of world balance, America needs a Nietzschean “noble enemy,” a peer, evoking respect and secret admiration. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and such cannot qualify as an adversary, as they actually bring the American Superpower down from her lofty pedestal to their own rather meager level. (By all means, read my entry Save The Tiger, posted on my blog on March 10th, 2011.)

America may have finally realized that her super-creditor China does not qualify as her main adversary either, at the same time as she is borrowing more and more trillions of dollars from this rather capricious banker…

Russia, on the other hand, is a totally different story. The bogeyman of several generations of American citizens, the erstwhile fear of the red Russian bear could not just be erased from the national memory. The temporary euphoria of the bogeyman’s relegation to the position of lackey could tamper with that memory in the short run, but not in the long run, especially after the alleged lackey refused to cooperate…

The reader, especially the one familiar with my writings on this subject, must be catching my drift by now. America may indeed need a resumption of the old cold war against Russia. Back to a bipolar world, where America could more or less rely on her allies caught in the choice between East and West. Back to a larger game of geopolitics than the current rash of regional conflicts, which America like Alice in Wonderland is entering (“Eat me!”) only being reduced to a three-inch size.

Back to an enemy whom America can respect…


Isn’t that what America wants today? Isn’t that the reason why in this yet unresolved case of Flight MH17 America’s finger is pointing at Russia?

Is a new cold war a good thing or a bad thing? Well, it may be a very good, purifying thing for one reason only. It will necessarily restore America’s respect for the rest of the world, which must in turn make her wiser and better.

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