Monday, January 21, 2013


(Here is another “dated” Obama entry, written back in 2010. It contains my mid-first-term “verdict” on Mr. Obama’s performance as President, and this verdict is pessimistic. I am not hopeful that by the end of his second term this verdict will undergo any change, for the prospects for his Administration and for America are bleak, in my judgment. The saddest irony here is that Mr. Obama has no credible rivals on the American political scene, and he may in fact be the only one today, capable of governing the country with some tiny shred of credibility, and with an equally tiny prospect of improvement.)

Well, it is the year 2010 now, and my Candidate Hopeful has by now fully established himself as President Hopeless. Apparently, American Presidents do not amount to much these days. The last credible Presidents, Kennedy and Nixon, were both destroyed, one by his physical assassination in Dallas, the other by political assassination, known as the Watergate Scandal.

Alas, Mr. Obama, who was once billed as a new JFK, has not risen to the occasion. He is completely in the power of his handlers; and his foreign and domestic policies, once appearing revolutionary, when they were still in the stage of promises, have all lost their freshness, blending in with Washington’s business as usual, and leaving Mr. Obama with just one signature characteristic left: that of a quickly faded demagogue.

As for the hopeful dreams of the 2008 campaign, they all have been trampled into Washington’s dirt by the hopelessness of waking up to reality.

(This personally saddening, but brutally honest entry is immediately followed on my blog by the third part of the Obama triptych: President Obama’s Second Inauguration.)

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