Tuesday, January 1, 2013


(I have several entries on patriotism, and this is just one of them. The reference in the next sentence is to my entry Oneness And Allness, published on this blog on July 7th, 2012.)
The previous discussion of “oneness and allness” leads us naturally to the subject of patriotism.

There are two kinds of patriotism: of the mouth and of the heart. This entry is dedicated to the latter kind. I define true patriotism plain and simple as putting one’s nation’s interests above one’s own.

My father was a true Russian patriot, and so was my mother. Russia has always been a breeding ground of patriots. I knew scores of true Russian patriots personally, in my Soviet years. Today, I believe, their breed has not become extinct, despite the calamity of the 1990’s. I think that Vladimir Putin is a true patriot, and so are the people around him who have been helping him to pull Russia out of the Yeltsin hole. (Here was a wretch, Yeltsin, recently deceased, for whom I wouldn’t have one good word, nor would I resort to nihil [as in aut bene aut nihil], on account of him being counted now among the dead! In fact, I cannot call a patriot any of those who either contributed to the collapse of the USSR, or, following the collapse, matter-of-factly threw their Communist Party cards out with the trash and smugly readjusted themselves to the new order of things... Having said that, I must probably make an exception for those who facilitated the wrecking of the USSR as part of a secret grand design ad maiorem Russiae gloriam, but even if I must objectively call them patriots, I shall do it with an uneasy mind.)

As for America, I can name many true American patriots throughout her two-century history. But recently, their flow has dried up. I can count none for the New American Century. In the last two decades of living in the United States, I have not met a single American patriot face to face, nor seen one on television. In fact, there is just one American patriot whom I can name in all this time. He was Pat Tillman, the NFL star, who volunteered to fight for his country in Afghanistan after 9/11, and died there shortly thereafter, murdered by “friendly fire”…

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